Industrial Safety
Industrial safety policy for the production of polyethylene terephthalate Ekopet JSC
The industrial safety policy for the enterprise for the production of polyethylene terephthalate Ekopet JSC (hereinafter referred to as the enterprise) is developed on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the enterprise’s activities within the framework of the industrial safety management system (hereinafter referred to as the safety management system), taking into account the goals and objectives of the enterprise in the field of labor protection and safety, fire safety, environmental safety, radiation safety (hereinafter industrial safety). The definition of key objectives of the enterprise policy in the field of safety management systems (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) is based on:
assessment of compliance of the enterprise with current legislation;
monitoring and evaluation of the current activities of the enterprise in the field of industrial safety;
commitment to better industrial safety management;
identification of priority problems in the field of industrial safety;
assessment of the physical and mental health of employees of the enterprise;
resource estimates (material, human) in order to determine the ability of the enterprise to make changes to the safety management system;
cost estimates for the introduction of new technologies, equipment, etc., as part of management decisions aimed at preventing hazards and risks in the field of industrial safety, their impact and economic efficiency of measures within the framework of functioning and improvement of the safety management system;
introducing the tools and methods of modern management, on which the strategy for improving the safety management system is based.
The policy is the basis for the development and improvement of ISMS. The implementation of the Policy occurs through:
Strict compliance by the enterprise with the requirements of legislative acts and regulations, interaction with the control and supervision bodies;
formation and implementation of long-term and short-term (current) plans for the implementation of the Policy;
providing the planned measures in the field of industrial safety with the necessary material, technical, human resources;
distribution of responsibility, rights and powers in the operation of the safety management system;
ensuring interaction at different levels of management of the safety management system, including with public organizations;
Efficiency of making managerial decisions in the organization and functioning of the safety management system in identifying new priority risks and dangers;
training workers in industrial safety;
stimulation of professional growth of employees.
Stakeholders are informed about the Policy:
in the materials of the annual report on the activities of the enterprise in the field of industrial safety;
information stands,
site of the enterprise;
through the media.
Bringing the Policy to each employee of the enterprise, as well as consultation is carried out:
when applying for a job;
policy discussions at meetings of services, departments, departments of the enterprise;
through messages on information stands of services, departments, departments of the enterprise;
at training courses or training programs for personnel of the enterprise;
when switching to work in another unit of the enterprise;
at operational meetings of the enterprise.
The industrial safety policy of the company is based on the following principles:
safe operation of equipment and materials;
safe operation of buildings and structures;
introduction of safe production technologies;
improving working and resting conditions for workers;
strict observance of labor legislation and the employment contract.
The definition of the Industrial Safety Policy is related to the following directions of the strategic development of the enterprise:
ensuring the supply of enterprise products in strict accordance with the terms of the Agreements (contracts) and the requirements of the legislation of the respective countries;
response to changing customer requirements;
recognition of the effectiveness of the safety management system as an integral component of the enterprise’s competitive advantage