Quality control
A quality management system has been created and is operating in the Chemical Laboratory that meets the requirements of the standard
GOST R ISO / IEC 17025 . The functioning of the management system of the testing laboratory provides high quality, accuracy, reliability and objectivity of the tests performed.
The main objective of the quality policy of the Chemical Laboratory
is to ensure consumer confidence in the reliability, accuracy and objectivity of the results, creation and maintenance of necessary and sufficient conditions to ensure timely receipt of reliable, objectively substantiated information on the chemical composition of substances and materials; components of environmental and industrial environments; about physico-chemical, physico-mechanical properties of products.
The main objective of the quality policy is to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the tests, as well as the objectivity and accuracy of the results at a level that ensures constant compliance of the chemical laboratory with the criteria for accreditation of testing laboratories.
Since October 1, 2011, a chemical information management system (LIMS)
LabExpert with modules LabQuality 6 (Quality control of analysis), LabX Chemicals (accounting of reagents and solutions), LabXCube (Laboratory summary) was introduced in the chemical laboratory allowing to automate and optimize the quality control system of analysis results, process the results of internal laboratory quality control of measurement results in accordance with
GOST R ISO 5725-2002 ».
Accuracy (correctness and precision) of methods of measurement results ”;
MI-2335-2003 (
RMG 76-2004 ) “GSI. Internal quality control of the results of quantitative chemical analysis. " LabExpert integrates with
LabQuality in a single structure to provide control over the quality of analyzes.